(This was written by Dad on May 11, 2015)
We rolled off the tarmac of Lusaka International airport at
about 4:00 pm today, leaving behind many new friends and memories of evangelism
in Africa. Just as the local brethren welcomed us to Zambia five weeks
ago, so they escorted us to the airport and wished us safe travels back to
When we arrived five weeks ago, we were given a 30-day
business visa to do church-work in the country. Since our “crusade”
lasted for one month and didn’t begin till over a week after we arrived, our
business visa expired a week before we were to depart! Unfortunately,
one-month business visas cannot be extended in Zambia. But with the
assistance of our Adventist colonel friend, we were assured that immigration would
make an exception for us.
This morning we went to immigration headquarters to sign the
documents, and were given an extension stamp in our passports, and a
“deportation” letter—a formality since our visa had expired. The
immigration officer turned out to be a Seventh-day Adventist! Our
Adventist Colonel friend is one of the highest ranking colonels in
the Zambian army, so when he showed up at the immigration office in full
uniform, none of the immigrations officials even questioned our expired
This afternoon at the airport, he again met us to ensure
that there would be no hassles with the customs officers. When we arrived
at the customs booth, the “big man” as he is called here, stood watching while
the customs officers at the airport stamped our passports for exiting
Zambia. Because of his military rank, he is able to pass through all the
airport security without any question or hindrance. We felt honored to be
escorted through the airport by this tall, respected, military official.
In addition to be a military colonel, he is also the president of the
lay-evangelists association in the conference, and conducts his own
crusades. In fact, he was scheduled to preach on the “Signs of Christ’s
Return” the night we left Zambia!
At the airline gate when we were being checked in, the
gate-agent saw the Amazing Facts logo on my shirt, half covered by my backpack
strap. “What is that,” he asked, “Amazing Grace?” I pulled the
strap aside, and replied, “Amazing Facts, a ministry of the Seventh-day
Adventist Church.” “Oh,” he said, “I have read many books by Ellen
White. I too am a Seventh-day Adventist,” he said as he handed me my
ticket stub.
There are church members in all sectors of society here in
Zambia. We are told that only India has more Adventists as a country than
Zambia. While we were here, the local union with its conferences,
celebrated reaching one million members. With only 14-15 million people
in this small African country, that means that one out of every 15 people you meet
in Zambia, belongs to our church!
For the past two Sabbath afternoons, crusade attendees from
both our sites, lined up to enter the church baptistery to join the ranks of
Adventists in Zambia. On May 2, one-hundred and two were
baptized. This past Sabbath, another one-hundred and seventy-two followed
them. We praise the Lord for the strong interest in God’s word that we
have found in Africa, and the response of so many to the Three Angel’s
One older man who was baptized, told me that he had been
attending the Adventist church since 1981. But it was at this
evangelistic series that he decided he needed to make his commitment to join
the Adventist church. He was baptized on May 2 together with his wife who
was re-baptized. The following week, one his grown daughters was
This past Sabbath evening for the final topic on Heaven, the
air was so cool that you could see the speaker’s breath. And yet in spite
of the cold, in spite of having backless benches for only about half the audience
(the rest had to stand), in spite of almost nightly power-failures and other
challenges, nearly a thousand people gathered on the dirt of the Mahatma Ghandi
Grounds every night for an entire month to listen to the truths of God’s
word! That has really warmed our hearts!
To help meet some of the needs on this vast continent,
Amazing Facts together with our family, are exploring the options of opening an
AFCOE (Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism) in Zambia. We are discussing
the possibilities with the local conference in Lusaka, and they have voted to accept the school in their conference! Interestingly, the current director of the
HOPE channel in Zambia is an AFCOE graduate from the school in
And what of PAFCOE (Philippine Amazing Facts Center of
Evangelism) where we have spent the past three-and-a-half years? PAFCOE
will continue to operate under the leadership of the team that we have trained
there for the past several years. The local conference wants to see
PAFCOE continue, and is committed to continuing the program. We invite
those of you who have supported the work of Amazing Facts in the Philippines,
to continue to do so. PAFCOE needs your continued prayers and financial
As our family begins the transition from the Philippines to
Africa this year, join us in praying for God’s guidance in this proposed Center
of Evangelism for the African continent. And for those of you who are
interested to support the opening of AFCOE in Africa, “Thank you!” Mark
your gifts “AFCOE Africa.”
Your friends,
Lowell, Sandra, Teresa, & Michael
PS. We are flying back to Manila for 7th
batch graduation ceremonies, and then will be returning to the States near the
end of May till after the GC session. If you are coming to Texas for the
General Conference session this year, come by and visit us at the Amazing Facts
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